CellStomy - Colostomy Bag

Colostomy bag : A colostomy bag is a plastic bag that collects fecal matter from the digestive tract through an opening in the abdominal wall called a stoma.

Product Description

These products include stuff like Ostomy, Urostomy, Illeostomy, Colostomy drain bags and Ostomy skin barrier wafers, which are meant for post-operative and incontinent patients. All of these products are available in a range of colors and size


  • odor resistance
  • a bag that is easy to put on and take off
  • a leakproof seal that lasts for up to 3 days
  • a bag that is hard or impossible to see under clothes
  • a bag that is gentle on skin around the stoma

Ordering Information

Part No.MaterialPackage
CSTB01CellStomy - Colostomy bag50 /pack

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