Cryopreservation Solutions

CellSol® Cryopreservation Solutions

Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO/ DMSO-Dextran)

CellSol® DMSO

Dimethyl Sulfoxide (CH3)2SO or C2H6OS is a clear, odorless, hygroscopic and water-miscible liquid.
DMSO freely penetrates the cell membrane and displaces water from the intracellular compartment of cells. This prevents the formation of ice crystals during freezing process and reduces damage to the plasma membrane, minimizing cell death and improving recovery post thaw.

CellSol® DMSO solutions are used as a cryoprotectant for the cryopreservation of primary cells (including peripheral blood stem cells, bone marrow stem cells, umbilical cord blood derived stem cells, MSC’s and iPSC’s), Immune cells (T cells, NK cells, etc.), cell lines, tissues, blood components, cellular components, and biological samples.

CellSol® DMSO-Dextran

CellSol® DMSO-Dextran consists of 55% DMSO and 5% Dextran-40, which prevents ice crystal formation, and helps to further reduce the potential toxicity of DMSO and may provide additional protection to the cells. Dextran is a non-toxic polysaccharide that is able to interact with lipoproteins and enzymes within the cell and stabilize them. It is used in combination with DMSO as a potent cryoprotective agent.

CellSol® DMSO-Dextran (C2H6SO-C6H10O5) solutions are used as a cryoprotectant for the cryopreservation of stem cells form peripheral blood & umbilical cord blood, blood components, and cellular components.

  • Sterile Filling Under cGMP
  • Sterility and Endotoxin Tested
  • Mycoplasma Tested

Ordering Information

CellSol® DMSO

Part No.VolumesContainer
CS-1010 mLGlass Vial
CS-5050 mLGlass Vial
CS-100100 mLGlass Vial

CellSol® DMSO-Dextran

Part No.VolumesContainer
DMSDEX-66.3 mLGlass Vial
DMSDEX-88 mLGlass Vial
DMSDEX-1010 mLGlass Vial
DMSDEX-100100 mLGlass Vial

Dimethyl Sulfoxide (C2H6OS – DMSO) is a clear essentially odorless, hygroscopic, water-miscible liquid.

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