
Quality Assurance

Our Quality assurance team is well equipped with Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with regulatory and other national and international standards. The team is closely interacting and monitors the manufacturing division to ensure the final products conform to specifications consistently and maintains the quality at all the stages in manufacturing process.

  • Our success depends on regular internal and external quality audits.

  • We adopt OPDCA (Observation, Plan, do, check, act) by regular monitoring to ensure lean manufacturing.

  • We have a strong process controls with quality checking tools to detect out-of-control situation to get the process back in control.

  • Quality team always provides continual education to production team to strongly adopt standard operating procedure for manufacturing.

  • Complaints about marketed products are examined; the causes of quality defects investigated, and appropriate measures are taken in respect of the defective products and to prevent re-occurrence by applying necessary preventive action process.

Our Capabilities

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